Resetting student passwords for Canadian users

Teachers on EP can instantly reset student passwords - all from within their accounts. This article outlines how this can be achieved.

Resetting passwords for a single student

Navigate to the Classes section of your dashboard, or click into a class from your homepage.

class tile to click into

You can also scroll down to see a full list of classes or search for a student's name in the search bar at the top of the page.

By clicking the reset button on the relevant student row, you can choose to email the student a secure login link or generate a temporary password to pass on to them.

reset password on a student account in a class profile

  • If you chose to email the student, you'll see dialogue confirming that that student will receive an email shortly.
  • If you have selected the option to generate a password, the student's login details will be displayed for you to copy and pass along to the student.

temp password reset dialogue

After you have reset your students’ passwords, students with emails will receive an email prompting them to set a new secure password. This email will expire in 72 hours, but you can always generate a new one using the same steps above.

Students being given temporary passwords will be prompted to set a new secure password the first time they log in.

Resetting passwords for multiple students

You can also select multiple students to reset passwords by ticking their accounts and selecting Reset Passwords at the bottom of the page.

resetting student passwords in bulk

You can then choose whether you would like to email the student a secure login link or generate a temporary password to pass on to them.

bulk password reset options

Selecting Reset access only using email will automatically send login emails to your students. Selecting Reset selected students' passwords will give you two options: download a spreadsheet of passwords or download print-friendly passwords. 

  • To download a spreadsheet, click Get password spreadsheet (CSV).
  • To download print-friendly passwords, click Get print-friendly passwords

download temp passwords options

The print-friendly option will give you the below document. This can be useful to print, cut up, and distribute out to your students.

Print-friendly temporary password export

Using Single Sign On (no passwords)

If your school has SSO enabled, you will find that the Password column is missing when you look at classes and students. 

In this case, staff and students will need to log in through your school's portal instead of the main EP login page. For further help logging into your school's portal, check out our guide here.

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